I find out that Wasabi is not good ... yet
Wasabi is a simple ORM for the Julia Language. You can read more here.
When I started developing Wasabi I have one main goal: rely on my domain object instead of the database representation. A lot of ORMs “force” you to think of your database representation and use that object also as your domain object. Of course you can apply a conversion between your domain object and your database representation but that’s an overhead and in my experience almost no-one do this.…
Read more ⟶I Just discovered Vault
Vault is an open source project released by HashiCorp used to securely store and access to secrets that your application needs: database password, api token, tls certificates and so on.…
Read more ⟶How not to found a startup
On June 2021 I’ve co-founded my first tech startup: PlayLife. In 2021 the goal of PlayLife was to provide a web applications where people can easily manage their events, sell/buy tickets and find new events. There was two main sources of income: a fee that PlayLife keeps for every transaction and the plan to sell user related data.
As you can imagine you don’t build an application in few days: I have worked on the project since October 2019.…
Read more ⟶Wasabi.jl - ORM for Julia
Three days ago I’ve released Wasabi 0.3.0 on the Julia General Registry. Wasabi is a simple yet powerful ORM for the Julia Language that currently support PostgreSQL and SQLite and gives a simple way to manage database changes using Migrations.
There are 3 main reasons why I decided to start this project few months ago:
I dind’t find any available library for Julia written with Domain Driven Design in mind.…
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